Allow admin to update just the routing number and allow switch to ACH without having to cancel Credit card

1. When a bank merges or changes name and the routing number changes, we have to contact the sustaining member to obtain the new routing number. We also have to ask them for the same checking account number, even when it is information that is already stored in LO. In reality, you can look up a new routing number for the bank without contacting the donor. If we could just have the option to update the routing OR checking number and not have to do both, we could do all of this seamlessly behind the scenes and not have to contact anyone. It would be nice if the routing # and checking account were separate lines to update


2. I think this has already been mentioned, but it would be nice to switch a donor from CC to ACH without having to cancel the gift and start an entirely new one on the date that their gift is set to run.

  • Guest
  • Sep 9 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Donations
Org/Company Name KUNC
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