integrate the advocacy module with the new the People Open API the people just created an API that allows petitions from other sties to feed directly into their platform:

This is a critically important move for online Advocacy, as getting to 100,000 through this platform is the only way to ensure a response and/or policy statement from the Obama Administration.

The code is here:

We'd love to hear about any Luminate Online plans to add this functionality to the advocacy module. And if there aren't any current plans, we'd urge you to make it a priority.

  • Guest
  • Aug 7 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Advocacy
Org/Company Name Earthjustice
  • Attach files
  • Deleted User commented
    2 May, 2017 08:43pm

    Well the code isn't there any more for developers, but wondering if the impact is still there to utilize these petitions? 

  • Guest commented
    26 Aug, 2015 02:15pm

    Amazing idea!