Have 'DO NOT RECEIPT" as an option for tax receipts

Currently Luminate only allows the option of "Not Receipted", or "Receipted" for event registrations.  We have many events that are non tax-receiptable, however if an event is non-receiptable, Luminate currently puts it into Raisers Edge as "Not Receipted" instead of "DO NOT RECEIPT".  This means that Raisers Edge produces tax receipts for these events with a zero dollar value.  Right now when I go through the batch, I am manually changing it to "DO NOT RECEIPT', however we have a large event coming up in November that is not tax receiptable and this is a lot of work, and if I am not doing the batches, the others don't always catch it.

  • Guest
  • Jul 10 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
Org/Company Name Canadian Hadassah-Wizo
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