Make DSP transactions sort in order of date listed onTeamRaiser profile

We noticed that when viewing the donation list on a TeamRaiser profile, DSP gifts are listed with the most recent transaction date instead of the original transaction date like regular sustaining gifts.  This is all well and fine, however, when you sort the donations on the TeamRaiser profile by date, it sorts the DSP transaction by the initial transaction date, making the donation appear out of order with the other transactions.  We filed this as a ticket, but we were told this is a feature request and not a bug.  It doesn't much matter to us whether the DSP is listed with the most recent transaction date or the original transaction date, but we'd like the sort order to be based on whatever date is listed so that staff aren't confused when they can't find the DSP with other transactions that took place around the same time.

I'm attaching a screenshot of an example where the donations are sorted in descending order.  The DSP transaction is circled so you can see that it is not in the correct sort order.


  • Erin Van Ness
  • Jul 6 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
Org/Company Name Event 360
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