Style the action buttons on the Cons360 admin UI

When the user interface upgrade was first launched, I believe the action buttons ("Done") on the Cons360 Profile tab were colored blue. They are now white filled, making it visually difficult to read. Simple request. 

  • Guest
  • Jun 11 2015
  • Planned
Area of the Product User Interface
Org/Company Name Atlanta Community Food Bank
  • Attach files
  • Brian Mucha commented
    October 07, 2015 19:51

    Firefox users, you can do this yourself very easily with GreaseMonkey.

  • Deleted User commented
    July 02, 2015 19:15

    Thank you for your feedback. We are continuing to make updates to the visual refresh in upcoming releases. The color and visibility of the primary action buttons in the Cons360UI has been addressed in the upcoming release.

  • Tommy Kubitsky commented
    June 23, 2015 14:07

    Oh dear gawd, please do this! It's not just the buttons. All the fields are so hard to see now I waste too much time trying to find them on my screen, clicking away at places I think they should be. 

  • Guest commented
    June 12, 2015 17:11

    Please change it back - it is very hard to read as it is now. We have volunteers who use the system during pledge drives and if its difficult for us to read right now and we use the system every day, it's going to be even worse come pledge time.

    Almost all of the buttons are now white instead of blue/gray.