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Have Autoresponders from forms use the e-mail entered in the form rather than the constituent's primary e-mail

These autoresponders should be directed to the e-mail specified by the donor/constituent in the form regardless of the primary e-mail on their record. Often, a constituent's primary e-mail will be the first e-mail associated with the individual which could mean it is no longer accessible to them (old work e-mail, corrupted personal inbox etc.) and having the autoresponder go to an e-mail they aren't expecting can mean they assume they did not receive the response (and in the case of donations, didn't receive their receipt), are unable to access it, or discourage them from making future donations because it gives the impression that the transaction has been corrupted if the transaction summary from a donation on the confirmation page and in the confirmation e-mail do not have matching information. If there is an e-mail field, we should be able to direct all autoresponders from that form to that field.

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  • May 24 2024
Area of the Product Email
  • Attach files

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