Luminate CMS: Folder IDs should be available from Website Explorer

When navigating through website explorer in Luminate CMS and selecting different folders, currently, the folder ID in the URL does not change. It would be great if when selecting different folders the URL would automatically change to the ID of the item selected (or there should be another method to obtain that info, such as a hover).

  • Deleted User
  • Jun 9 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Deleted User commented
      June 23, 2015 19:07

      There is actually a workaround available for this behavior (which was initially the intended design of the product): If you select an object that is in the desired folder then click the folder name in the breadcrumb links, it will navigate back to the explorer view and the correct folder ID will be displayed in the URL.

      We will leave this idea open for further feedback and voting.