When buying tickets for an event, record the transaction on the billing contact's record, so that they get the autoresponder and receipt (not the attendee)

In a ticketed event form, attendee info is collected on page 1 and billing info is collected on page 2. By default, the attendee info is copied over to the billing info. We then have the option to modify the billing info, including the billing contact's name and email address. However, even if the billing name and email address are modified, the transaction will be recorded on the attendee's record (as entered on page 1) and the autoresponder and receipt will be sent to the attendee. This is counterintuitive behaviour.

For example, if someone wants to buy a ticket for someone else, they'll enter the attendee info on page 1 and their own info on page 2. The buyer will expect to receive the autoresponder and receipt according to the info on page 2, but that's not what happens. It's the attendee who gets the autoresponder and receipt. Why?

The transaction should always be recorded on the billing contact's record, and it's they who should receive the autoresponder and receipt. Why give users the ability to update their billing info when it has no effect?

  • Steven Lopresti
  • Mar 18 2022
Area of the Product Content
Org/Company Name Cancer Research Society
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