clearly mention the fact that opening Luminate's WYSIWYG editor changes the HTML in Luminate's documentation

We recently ran into a strange issue with a pagebuilder element, where the HTML we input kept changing, and where copying the exact HTML from one element to another would yield a different result, and not an exact copy.

It wasn't until we went back and forth with a support representative for a few weeks that we realized that the HTML is converted back and forth, each time you click the WYSIWYG button in the editor, so the HTML you're looking at might not necessarily be the same HTML resulting in the pagebuilder element.

Since the editor opens in the same mode it was previously closed in, the solution was to make sure I closed the editor in HTML mode before opening a pagebuilder element, so it would open in that mode with the true HTML, rather than in WYSIWYG mode, which would change the HTML (even without making any changes).

At the end of our discussion, I suggested that this should appear somewhere in the documentation if it's not there already, and my support representative suggested that I add my suggestion here - so here I am!

  • Niko Birbilis
  • Jan 11 2022
Area of the Product Content
Org/Company Name Orthodox Christian Mission Center
  • Attach files