Gift Aid claims - Enable constituents to be excluded from Gift Aid claims if they have a declaration but their contact details are insufficuent and causing R68 claims to fail.

Some R68 claims fail due to incomplete data in a constituent's address or name. After reviewing them on a case by case basis sometimes it is not possible to fix it. For example, someone has only the first part of a postcode ‘E16’ and we are unable to identify the rest of it.

Because just one incomplete record like this can result in the failure of the whole claim an action must be taken to resolve it but the current options available give a false representation of the problem. It is not accurate to mark the revenue GA Eligible – No. Nor is it accurate or desirable to remove the GA Declaration. If we were to subsequently obtain a complete address, this would trigger everything to line up.

It would be preferable to use something else such as the ‘status’ field in the declarations to mark the declaration in some way that would;

1. Enable this person’s revenue to be excluded from the R68 process

2. Enable us to query these records to review them from time to time to see whether the issue has since been resolved

We could add a date to the comments with an explanation of the issue and use this as a cut off point after which we stop reviewing them

  • Guest
  • Dec 24 2021
Area of the Product Other
Org/Company Name Animals Asia Foundation
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