Allow teams to be private

Just as we are able to mark participants as private, we'd like to be able to mark teams as private. It seems reasonable to have parallel functionality at both the participant and the team level.



When using TeamRaiser as a replacement for Tribute/Personal Giving, there are sometimes cases where a team shouldn't be "searchable", but we still want the team to be able to have a landing page. 

When using TeamRaiser for satellite/community events, we use teams as makeshift "event landing pages", where participants can register. Sometimes these are closed events, so though we can limit registration by using team passwords, the teams still show up in the search and on any top-team lists. 

The lack of this setting also presumably dictates the lack of the parallel functionality of being able to force a personal page to be private until it's approved by an administrator (Advanced Options > b. Define Event Options > 3. Participant Personal Page Availability after Registration. We want to approve team pages as they are used as community events, but we can't do that if they are team pages because they can't be marked private. 

We also sometimes have high profile teams, where we still want the participants to be able to fundraiser, but we don't want the team page to be searchable. 

  • Brandy Reppy
  • Apr 22 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
Org/Company Name MSK
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    15 Oct, 2021 03:39pm

    100% agree with the scenarios above.

    From an event perspective, we also have scenarios where teams have decided to stop fundraising, and they do not want to be visible in the front end, but want to make sure that whatever revenue they manage to collect remains linked to them.

    Alot of our teams return year after year, so we want to ensure we keep track of all their donations across the years, so we can properly recognize their lifetime impact

    So far these are the only solutions availble. Unfortunately none of them solve the needs mentioned above.

    Right now we are able to make donors and participants private, so it would be nice to extend this feature to teams.

    There might not be a HUGE need for this feature, but this seems like a quick win in terms of enhancements.

    Hopefully it can be done in the near fture. Thanks!