Display the recipient's email address on sent emails from the participant center (PC3) when sent to any team members

Recently, a constituent of ours helped us and a Blackbaud rep discover a product limitation within the PC3 environment. When a team captain is sending an email to a team member or member from their team address book, who is NOT from their personal address book, the email address field for the recipient displays blank upon reviewing the "sent" email in PC3.

These are the steps to replicate this:

  1. Register for a teamraiser and be a captain.
    - Register again and join the team with a secondary record.

  2. Login to the PC with captain from step 1 and should see the newly registered team member

  3. Send an email to them

  4. Check the sent tab and see if the info is blank.

  5. Sent to was blank, https://www.screencast.com/t/zED1vRh6Q

  6. Add a contact to the address book and then send an email. Sent to via personal address book shows: https://www.screencast.com/t/WTj5o5oCdLkp

It appears to be a limitation within PC3. The Blackbaud support rep I worked with noted that she checked to see if it was due to the API call getSentMessages that it is using to generate the information, but that does not have limitations around team contacts.

The constituent who flagged this issue for our org had sent over 100+ emails from the PC3, but she discovered later on when she had planned to do follow up emails that about 17 or so emails she sent had blank email recipient fields. This caused a bit of a headache for her as she wanted to either send thank yous or additional team messages and was not sure whether they had received the previous email or if their addresses were even valid since the email field was blank under "sent."

Hopefully, this limitation will be fixed in a future update to the PC3.

  • Guest
  • Apr 19 2021
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
Org/Company Name Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
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