allow user to rename ticket types in mirrored events

When we mirror events from RE, the RE event unit maps over as the LO ticket type, and it's unchangeable in LO at that point. Sometimes the RE naming convention doesn't "work" as a public-facing ticket type. For example, in RE we use an event unit "Ticket (Employee)". But in LO, we want the public to see it as "Employee Admission". We don't want to have to create multiple event units in RE for every tiny variance of that unit in LO. (We have dozens of events annually, as we are a large multi-foundation healthcare system. So data table maintenance is very important for us.) Please allow us to rename the ticket types on mirrored events in LO.

  • Julie Hiland
  • Mar 3 2020
Area of the Product Content
Org/Company Name Piedmont Healthcare Foundation
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