Provide a means to identify if a previous team has been restarted in the new TeamRaiser or not

When dealing with returning teams in TeamRaiser for a custom solution, now that the API supports this, we need to be able to identify if a team has already been restarted by another team member, so that we can preemptively change the registration document to prevent the API error 2755: "The previous team specified has already been reformed in this event." Or as an alternative, the API should be fluid enough to allow the registration to continue on and simply have the participant join the already restarted team. This is a problem if you allow multiple team captains, or you allow any team member to restart a past team - in either of these cases, once one participant restarts the team, there's no programmatic way to check if a team has been restarted without parsing every team on the new event (which isn't feasible on large events, and isn't efficient in general).

  • Eric Oyler
  • Jan 9 2020
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
Org/Company Name Alzheimer's Association
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