Add TeamRaiser Discount Code field in API

In TeamRaiser, we have the ability to create discount codes with a variety of flexibility. Currently, the LO API does not include this field when importing data from LO to RE.

One of our TeamRaiser events uses 20 different discount codes and over 140 participants enter a discount code. The absence of this field in API requires our staff to manually add the code to each RE participant record. It is important to identify discount code users and do analysis in RE. The field "Payment - Discount - Total" is available on the API but that is not helpful for our purposes because we create a variety of discount codes for the same discount amount. 

If we are doing all of the back-end work to create the discount code, it should be available to import into RE through the API.

  • Guest
  • Feb 6 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product API's
Org/Company Name Lahey Health
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