Welcome to Luminate Ideas!

Please submit all product enhancement ideas below. We welcome your feedback; your ideas will be reviewed by the Product Manager that oversees the development of that part of the product on an ongoing basis and updated with its current status monthly based on our product planning process. Ideas you submit could help us shape features currently in development or grow our repository of requirements for our next big enhancement. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and expertise with us.

If you believe you are experiencing a defect please contact Support.

Notification or Report to track Event Location Changes

We have thousands of events across the country under our different program umbrellas, but do not have 24 / 7 / 365 support staffing. To this point, we allow our staff and volunteers in the field to EDIT their event venue / office information in the EMC. We have however struggled for some time to track those changes made so we can thusly make those changes in our internal systems as well. We would love for there to either be:

  1. a notification field added where an admin or other email address can be inserted and notified of said changes when they are made...or
  2. a report created that can track the time/date stamp, and all said changes, which can then be pulled ad hoc from Reportwriter.


Anyone else who struggles with the same problems - we'd love for you to vote on this idea!

  • Guest
  • Oct 30 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
Org/Company Name American Cancer Society
  • Attach files

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