Waiver area on Participant Type in LOTR

Currently if you want waiver text to "save" on a participant type, you have to check the box that it is required, go to the first save button and click it, then go back and uncheck the waiver required and save again to not make the waiver required. While some folks would wonder why would you uncheck the box, we have custom work done on these pages and have via JS a force required because of making this a pop up area. if we keep it checked it gives us two waivers which is not a good UX. The waiver text area should update regardless of required or not and we find this painful when creating copied BPs since the text is there but then wiped since we dont use the LO out of the box check box for required waiver. Please fix this.

  • Guest
  • Jul 23 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
Org/Company Name American Heart Association
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