Enable a checkbox to let users unsubscribe from postal mail

While users can opt-in to receive postal mail, there currently is no way to let them opt-out. This creates a lot of extra work when users use our postal opt-out form and we need to run a report and make changes manually. That should also be integrated with the User Center so they can unsubscribe from there.

  • Kim Ethridge
  • Mar 21 2018
  • Already exists
Area of the Product Other
Org/Company Name CBF
  • Attach files
  • Kim Ethridge commented
    27 Mar, 2018 03:27pm

    Okay, I've added it to the ConsProfileUser page, thank you.

  • Ken Cantu commented
    27 Mar, 2018 02:29pm

    Hi Kim, you can expose this in ConsProfileUser page where they update all their other information. You might need to flip a switch on database config to let the user to see and edit that field (See screenshot below, this is under the Address category). If you don't have access to Database Config under Setup then reach out to support and they can help you out. 

