Individual TeamRaiser event dates per fundraiser/team instead of one event date for all.

We use our TeamRaiser as sort of a DIY in the golf space. We've run into an issue with our constituents complaining that their event date is wrong when you search for a fundraiser. The event date is set to 12/31 because we run the TR all year. There needs to be a way to show individual event dates per event and have them show underneath individual and team pages when searching. It's crazy that this isn't an option, and it's a big complaint from our constituents. Hiding it from back end with CSS is only half an answer, since they want people to be able to see their event date. Hopefully we can find a solution. 


Thank you!

  • Guest
  • Feb 13 2018
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
Org/Company Name Folds of Honor
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