Can't add built-in Luminate Online components into the HTML editor with Chrome

We are unable to add a built-in Luminate Online component (e.g. Group Conditional, Survey, PageBuilder page) into the HTML editor using the Chrome browser. When clicking "insert," the prompt to enter additional text does not appear, nor is the content populated in the HTML area. Instead, you get a window.prompt() error.  Screenshot attached. 

I understand that there are currently two workarounds, but both are a hindrance to our daily workload.  While I can encourage people to use another browser, a great number of our staff use Chrome as their default web browser.   Another workaround is to use the WYSIWYG, however, we have a  LOT of content where we cannot reliably use the WYSIWYG editor, particularly when composing emails (to keep links absolute, for example).

We filed this as a ticket, but it was decided that the bug would not be fixed at this time.  We'd like to submit this as an idea for implementation because we think many other people could benefit from the fix.

  • Erin Van Ness
  • May 30 2017
  • Will not implement
Area of the Product Email
Org/Company Name Event 360
  • Attach files
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    • Erin Van Ness commented
      June 05, 2017 15:46

      The issue actually exists outside of the WYSIWYG editor.  We experience the issue using the HTML editor.

    • Deleted User commented
      June 05, 2017 15:37

      Erin,  we are looking at all ways to create better admin experiences within the WYSIWYG especially across all major browsers, but we have come across a few areas where the issues pose such a risk that updating could have potential affects to other parts of the editor.  This is something that we have deemed something that we'd look at for Next Gen, but for current gen it would remain with the workarounds.  If there are existing business impacts from using the workarounds, please add them back into the support case so we can evaluate and measure the risk vs. impact.  Thanks.