Account for prefer not to answer or non-binary gender options in constituent biographical information fields.

The standard options for gender do not provide sufficient detail for some participants to express their response.

Suggest adding other; non-binary; or prefer not to answer as default options for constituents.

  • Jon Collins
  • May 23 2017
  • Already exists
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
Org/Company Name Parkinson Canada
  • Attach files
  • Cathy Rosander commented
    21 Mar, 2022 05:29pm


    When will this be available as part of the LO product?



  • Jon Collins commented
    2 Jun, 2017 03:03pm

    Thanks Ken - we've addressed it for our account. Happy to hear it will be resolved globally, soon.

  • Ken Cantu commented
    2 Jun, 2017 03:01pm

    Hi Jon, we've had customers customize this in their instance to show additional values of your choosing. Reach out to your CSM to help explore a quick services engagement to do that.

    In the next gen of Luminate this will be taken care of by default without a customization needed so you can have control of how and what choices display.

