Add option of "EFT" for entering Offline Gifts - Payment Method

We receive quite a few matching gifts via "EFT" (Electronic Funds Transfer).  Currently, in TeamRaiser, I'm entering Offline Gift and the donor information, but on #6: Payment Method, it only gives me the options for "Cash, Check, or Credit Card".  If we had an additional radio button for "EFT", we could get a better representation of the types of payment we are receiving and we would be able to search and sift through reports easier and more accurately.  Other button options that may be useful are: Money Order, Cashier's Check, In-kind, PayPal, etc.  Thanks!

  • Guest
  • May 9 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
Org/Company Name The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
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