Have people auto logged in when they take action

WE like to have s-tags that display phone number data to encourage constituents to call their rep after taking action. These tags only work if the person is logged in. If they take action from an email link with the argument autologin=true it is fine, but if they visit a link from social the S tags will not work.

  • Guest
  • Mar 8 2017
  • Will not implement
Area of the Product Advocacy
Org/Company Name NPCA
  • Attach files
  • Ken Cantu commented
    19 Mar, 2017 02:59pm

    Hi,  the short answer is that if you are just coming to a form on a site we can't do this for security reasons if the email you are using is already in the system.

    The longer answer is that currently if you are a user not in the housefile of a site and you take a survey (or any form) for the first time you are auto logged in because we know it is you. Also, if you are auto-logged in from an email we send you and you go to a form you should be auto logged in as well. However, if you are a person in the system already and you come to the form not already logged in we can't auto log you in after you complete the form because we match the form action to the record via email address which is publicly available information and not secure. If we did allow this it would mean that if a person just knew another person's email address they could just fill out a form and be logged into their account and potentially have access to other data on that person which would be a security vulnerability.

    I understand this is a tough roadblock from the marketing side because you want to make the process as smooth as possible. I would recommend autologging from the email you send to take action or having other, easy ways to log into the site with one click like enabling Janrain to allow users to log in with some of their social profiles.

