Provide an option to cancel or edit e-cards

For e-cards that are scheduled to send in the future, it would be very helpful if we could edit or cancel them. Donors often realize later that they scheduled the wrong date  or made a typo in the text and want us to be able to fix it before it sends. I've been told by support that there's nothing we can do once the donation is submitted. Today we had an especially terrible situation in which a donor was sending an "in memory" e-card and accidentally scheduled it for 2018. We're going to send a hard copy card now, but the family is going to get a "so sorry for your loss" email from 2 years from now. That's just going to make us as an organization look bad, not to mention be a painful reminder to the family.

  • Rebecca Gelinas
  • Dec 15 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Donations
Org/Company Name Operation Smile Canada
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