Add Average Unsubscribes to Campaign Email Performance report

Would save time for admins trying to compare performance of individual messages to average campaign message unsubscribes. Would not require additional reporting, if unsubscribes featured on email campaign page. Also, there is an open slot for it. Could be this is coming in Luminate Beta, but I'd like to see it in current gen. See attached

  • Guest
  • Nov 15 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Email
Org/Company Name George Washington University
  • Attach files
  • Ken Cantu commented
    2 Dec, 2016 03:47pm

    Hi Matt, like you said, this is coming in Luminate Beta in mid December. Check out our upcoming roadmap call on December 14th to see details. We don't have any plans to add this to current gen though but others should upvote this if it's important to have it in both.

