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Develop support for funnel URLs (aka pseudo-URLs) and e-commerce compatible with Universal Analytics in Google Analytics

Cut/pasted with minor edits from this post in the community There are two things that Luminate does with Classic Analytics beyond simply pasting GA code. It would help clients if support (SDPs) for these translated to Universal Analytics as well. pseudo-URLs When you use the SDP option to insert GA code into your pages from Luminate applications ( GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_FUNNEL_ADD_DETAILS) , you get nice clean URLs in your GA data warehouse. Here's a URL of a donation form for one of my Luminate clients. Donation2;jsessionid=6A392F3F74F9233FA88AB024E3886BC3.app250b?idb=369413825&5360.donation=form1&df_id=5360&idb=0 The best I could clean up this URL with "Easy" GA filters would still make it look like this: Donation2?5360.donation=form1&df_id=5360 That's not a very readable. �Which donation form is #5360? � What campaign is that a part of? The pseudo-URLs inserted by the Luminate code instead log beautiful things like this to my GA data store: /funnel/Donation2/2014 Song Download/form1 That's� /funnel/// Someone is on step 1 of donation form "2014 Song Download". That makes the readability of your analytics a ton better. �I love it, and anyone that actually looks at their analytics data loves it too. Transactional integration While you can certainly tag a completed donation thank you page as a conversion event, Luminate integrates GA's e-commerce tracking. �This is never assumed to be a perfect donation/e-retail report but it does allow you to see differences in channel value between different referring sites or campaigns. Conclusion/Request Continue support for these features as clients are forced to transition in to Universal Analytics. From this thread: http://community.convio.com/t5/Luminate-Online/Luminate-and-Google-s-Universal-Analytics/m-p/76678/highlight/true#M17150
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  • Jun 9 2015
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