Pledge Functionality in TeamRaiser - on behalf of REACT

Hello... our client REACT has asked us to submit the following enhancement request. They are wanting the ability for supporters to make a pledge to a TeamRaiser participant, that is fulfilled based on a future achievement. For example... "Donate $10 for every strike you make in the bowling tourney" or "number of books read".. and then after the tourney the participant enters the number of strikes made or books read.. and the donor is charged the appropriate amount based on their pledge. I made it clear that the auto transaction might not be possible w/out capturing an initial charge (like DSP does), but they would even be happy w/ a form/mechanism for donors to even just commit the pledge.. even if the participant has to follow up later w/ a link to capture the actual donation. So even just a mechanism in TeamRaiser for a supporter to submit a note/pledge to the participant would accomplish this. Thanks, Jon

  • Deleted User
  • Mar 31 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product TeamRaiser
Org/Company Name Cathexis Partners
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