Report Writer - Cover page including data parameters

Currently, when you download a report out of Report Writer, you only get the data. Our suggestion is that when you download a report, it will dynamically include a 'cover page' that includes the data parameters you selected when building the report - much like the 'report summary tab' - but it would be included in the report download. We are looking to provide better data to our event volunteers by simply ensuring they understand the data within the report if when it is downloaded by containing a synopsis of the data therein, as to assist them with understanding the report, and also furthing that information/understanding along to their volunteer committee. Additionally, have one reporting admin with BlackBaud access supplying all data to the various parties within our organization. It would be ideal that following her configuring and running a report, that her configurations were included in the output file to help the businesses understand clearly the information therein.

  • Deleted User
  • Mar 31 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
Area of the Product Reporting
Org/Company Name American Cancer Society National Home Office
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