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Currently a person can only register one person at a time; they must also use a unique email address. But what if someone wants to register multiple people? We have a family-oriented run: parents are trying to register their children to walk, but their children do not have email addresses and the parents have already used their own email addresses for self-registration. Could registering multiple people be an option?
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It would be ideal for a participant to be able to sign in and register additional people once they have exited their initial registration session. The amount of email traffic that we have to address on this issue equates to approx 3 hours per week. The inability to sign in and register additional people causes our participants to create false emails to create a new account for this second session. This false email is bad for our database and must be addressed on the maintenance end. Ideally there would be a participant center that the account holder could access and manage as permitted by the admin function. i..e register people, edit email address, change participation types, shirt sizes, etc.
Mutli-reg within the registration flow is already available, but we have participants request all the time to be able to register others from the Participant Center.
I love this idea: oftentimes people need to get additional information and are unable to register a family member when they sign up. So they call and are frustrated when they can't register a family member since their email is in use (and some, like kids, don't have an email)