bulk print of email messages

We're looking to do an audit of our previous year's messages, and we've found that the process of previewing each message and then turning it into a pdf is very time consuming. There ought to be a way to compare the way messages look through some kind of print out of all your message--or select messages--in bulk.
  • Deleted User
  • Mar 31 2015
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Philip Nawrocki commented
      July 19, 2016 17:13

      Why not use the message viewer urls and create a webpage with the links listed on it?

      Something  like:

      July 2016 Newsletter

      August 2016 Newsletter

      where the name of the newsletter links directly to the MessageViewer link.


      Additionally, you can embed emails on a PageBuilder page using S-tag 565

      Here is the example code:

      <p><convio:session name="565"></convio:session><convio:session name="565"></convio:session><convio:session name="58" param="4701.0:true"></convio:session>

      If you wanted to put a few on a page to look at them.


      This saves you creating pdfs and once you have the list started, it is just updating whenever you send a new message.